Version 1.1.1 (02/11/2021)
All rules are created with this server’s mission in mind: to provide players with a safe, community-driven, free-to-play experience while encouraging players to give back to their communities.
Chat and Voice Rules:
Spam: We will not tolerate spam on our discord server. The following are examples of prohibited chat spam:
Reposting the same message back-to-back.
Reposting a message where it can be seen more than 2 times in one chat window is not allowed.
Posting any message 3 or more times with no other player chat in between is not allowed.
Posting 3 or more messages in less than 5 seconds is not allowed.
Countdowns - Countdowns are not allowed.
Repeatedly sending Discord server bot commands is not allowed.
Screaming, yelling, or otherwise interrupting voice chat is not allowed.
An unnecessarily “hot” mic is not allowed.
Excessive Caps - Sending or posting messages that largely use capital letters or posting multiple messages with an excess of capital letters is prohibited.
Excessive Characters - Sending or posting messages that use excessive repeating or unintelligible characters is prohibited.
Inappropriate Content: There are many types of inappropriate content that we prohibit to keep our players safe. The following are categories and examples of this type of prohibited content:
Disrespect – Player: Speaking poorly about/to/of or disrespecting a player in chat or otherwise will not be tolerated. This server is meant to be community-based and a safe place for all players to have fun! Players come from all sorts of backgrounds and parts of the world, so it is important to be respectful to each other’s cultures, backgrounds, religions, preferences, and ideologies.
Disrespect – Staff: If you have an issue with a staff member or have evidence of a staff member abusing power, please submit these matters to management. Saying things like “demote [staff member]” or “[staff member] is terrible” will not be tolerated. Even if a staff member is not behaving properly, please bring the issue up to management.
Disrespect – Server: Speaking overly poorly of the server is not allowed. We are always open to player input and welcome players to submit feedback to us! Please use the proper channels of communication to submit all concerns rather than openly slander the server in chat. Saying “man, I wish this server had X” in chat is not considered server disrespect, however as we do not wish to silence criticism and free speech.
Graphic Content: Any textual or visual media that is considered 18+ in the United States is considered prohibited graphic content. This includes adult images or adult topics of any kind.
Promotion/Ideation of Harm: Promotion or ideation of harm or self-harm is strictly prohibited. This includes insinuations and text-speech like ‘kys’ or ‘kms’.
Other Content: This category includes various additional examples of prohibited content which include the following:
Advertisement: Sharing or advertising unaffiliated server IPs or links, IRL trading, and unaffiliated products or services are all strictly prohibited.
DOXXING / DOX Comedy: DOXXING means Posting IRL information or links containing IRL information of any player (including yourself). This is considered illegal depending on your geographical location and will be treated as a ban-able offense. This ban length will be on a case-by-case basis and will always be reviewed by Management. Please always use IGNs in public chat even if a player has shared their personal information with you.
All servers are subject to these rules as well as their own set of server-specific rules. Please read the server-wide and server-specific rules periodically to stay informed!
Update 1.0.1: (09/23/2020)
All: All server rules were formatted for this website.
Update 1.0.2: (02/02/2021)
Footnote: The bold statement at the bottom of the server rules was added as a disclaimer to alert players to the fact that each F2PMC sub-server has its own specific rules in addition to the rules above because each server requires its own rules to uphold our server mission.
Update 1.1.0: (02/11/2021)
All: The Discord and Server-Wide rules were split into two separate forums for readability.
All: The Discord rules were restructured and simplified for readability.
Footnote: The bold statement at the bottom of these rules was updated to facilitate the split between the Discord and Server-Wide rules.
Update 1.1.1: (08/28/2021)
Chat and Voice: Excessive caps and excessive characters are now specifically disallowed though they were covered under other rules previously.